Sunday, December 28, 2008


So I know this probably sounds lame to make a post about my bangs but I am going to! I have been wearing my bangs the same way for a while....Straight down and very blunt. For the past week I have been wearing them swooped to the side. This is where you all come in. I need your opinion as to which way you like best....and you cant say both! Can you tell I am a hairstylist....PLEASE! PATHETIC...


stacy said...

i'm gonna be super honest cause were family...i don't like them blunt. it's not flattering (to my eyes anyway):) i LOVE them swooped to the side, you look so pretty and feminin. i vote for the swooping. :) ahahhahah!

Leslie said...

I know you said I can't pick both but i'm going to! I love them both ways. its fun to see them swooped to the side becuase it new. but it is darling both ways!

Rachel said...

swoop it sister! Show off that eye brow!! You're hot!

Bret said...


Niels and Susie Jensen said...

I like the swoopy bangs. I need help with mine. See my post regarding my swoopy bangs.

Andrea said...

Love them swooped to the side! Super cute, Heather! I'm coming to see you Wednesday for a haircut! Yay!

Steve&Melissa said...

Blunt is fun, but swooped is SEXY!

Anonymous said...

i agree with les i love them blunt and both ways! i love them most to the side though! super cute both! i wish i was you and could pull off anything!

Kati said...

Swoop!! Blunt is so last month!

Jessica said...

Swoop all the way.

Taylor and Melissa said...

since the swoop is popular I am going to stay with that. They look great anyway you wear them and as my personal hair stylist we know you will go with the best decision since you are amazing!

Ashley said...

Work that swoop!